Archive for April, 2011

Moving my blog

April 10, 2011

Soon, this blog will be moving.   After 5.5 years of blogging on free websites, I have decided to move to my own website.


1.  Providing Resources.  After years of work, I feel that God is opening up my writing focus.  However, when I host my blog on, I cannot offer resources in the same way that I can on a self-hosted site.  On the new site, I will be able to offer ebooks, special offers, etc.

2.  Community.  This new site will give us a place to be a community online.  We will be able to share prayer requests, discuss bible study topics, etc.  You can enjoy the blog feed without becoming a member, but members can join conversations, share prayer requests, etc.

If you receive this blog via email, you will soon begin receiving Deep Imprints in the same manner.  You won’t need to do anything.  However, I hope you stop by and join the community as well.

Questions?  Comments?  Please let me know – all change can be difficult – it is harder when you do it in a vacuum without conversation.  Thank you for all the years many of you have listened, commented, and given me feedback – you are essential to my learning process, and I believe to the learning process of each other.  Again, thank you.

Cooking our religion

April 3, 2011

Cooking the books – def. to make the books look right while covering up bad accounting or fraud.

Cooking drugs – to make drugs – either to use them and relieve oneself of the current reality, or to sell them and make money off of other people’s need for escape.

Are we making up our own religion, or are we taking God as He is, learning to be the people He created us to be?

What are the signs of a cooked religion?