Tea with Hezbolla by Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis

Ted Dekker usually writes fantastic fiction.  How does someone who writes like that live in real life?

Tea with Hezbollah is just a glimpse.  He lives with gusto.

Have you ever had a dream and then just let it fizzle because it was just too big?  This book is the culmination of one of those dreams – what happens when the dream is allowed to live.  Carl and Ted wondered what it would be like to ask the movers and shakers of the Muslim world what they thought of Jesus’ commandment to love your neighbor as yourself, even if they are your enemy.

So, with a dream in their pocket, Carl and Ted zoomed off to the Middle East, meeting with leaders of thought from Egypt to Beirut.  Along the way, they met amazing people, like a Bedouin prince who loves Jim Carrey, and Sami Awad in Bethleham whose words are so poignant, they are worth the price of the book alone.  They ended their journey visiting a Hamas leader and a real live Samaritan.

This book is an amazing look at the different views from within the world of Islam.  I really enjoyed it.  I think you will find that it will stretch your thinking.  I hope it will challenge you to love people more. 

Special thanks to WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for providing me this book for review.  You can visit their site here for more information on this and other books.

2 Responses to “Tea with Hezbolla by Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis”

  1. Tea with Hezbolla – free give away « Says:

    […] « Tea with Hezbolla by Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis […]

  2. Audrey Says:

    I’d like this book Kim, it sounds like interesting reading and i would love to have my mind stretched. Hope I win.

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